Illinois has been flooded with cash made from the huge sales of marijuana in the state since legalization, and we’re continuing to see where that money is going.

On the same day that it was announced they would finally be giving out 100 more marijuana licenses so that the playing field wasn’t 100% white and male, $3.5 million in grants were announced to specifically target summer violence.

Part of the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Program that was enacted along with marijuana legalization is for 25% of taxes gained from marijuana to go back to the communities most effected by the war on drugs, and this $3.5 million is just a small fraction of this effort. In January, $31.5 million was given to minority communities as aid. However, this is the first batch of money that would directly target violence in the streets.

The organizations receiving the money are spread across the state, and include Boxing Out Negativity Inc., Free Lunch Academy, The Outlet, and Youth With a Positive Direction.

Illinois will surpass $1 Billion in marijuana sales this year, up from $670 million last year. It will be exciting to see where the taxes gained from this number will go.

Read the press release here.

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