Welcome to Leafly’s live 4/20 coverage for 2019! As has become tradition, we’ll be updating you throughout the day with rolling coverage of news, events, and other bits and bobs to keep you informed and entertained no matter how you’re spending this most storied day in cannabis.

Check back often! We’ll be posting live reports all day long.

The True Origin of 4/20 (and Other Good Stuff)

No, “420” is not police code for cannabis consumption. And unless you know about the treasure map, there’s more to that origin story you’ve likely heard than “let’s meet at 4:20 to blaze it.” The truth is that it all started with a Coast Guard sailor, a secret map, and some students in California known as the Waldos. Explore the epic tale as reported by Leafly contributor David Bienenstock, one of California’s most seasoned cannabis reporters.


The Long, Strange History of 4/20, the Global Cannabis Holiday

But wait, there’s more! Act now, or whenever, and we’ll throw in a chronic chronology of great moments in 4/20 history. It includes winners like this guy, who probably deserves a toast today:

How We Got Here

If you’d like to spend more of 4/20 paying homage to the pioneers who got us here, we’ve got you covered. If you’re smoking some Jack Herer, maybe read his biography, too—or that of fellow trailblazer Dennis Peron, often called the father of medical marijuana. Or how about “Brownie Mary,” who earned her nickname baking cannabis-infused brownies, which she gave away for free to San Francisco AIDS patients? If you want to go way back, check out the story of the first two Americans arrested during the country’s more than eight-decade war on cannabis, how Vietnam veterans medicated in wartime, or the way racism helped give rise to the drug war. Or, for a change of pace, read about the Deadhead glass artist who forever changed the way we look at pipes and bongs. We stand on the shoulders of giants, and it’s a perfect day to remember them.

Ben Adlin


What Does 4/20 Mean to You? We Asked 12 Cannabis Leaders

Here Are Your 4/20 Holiday Deals

Don’t hit up the shop without browsing our 4/20 deals. We’ve partnered with retailers across the country to bring you deep discounts on pickup orders. Find your state, find a retailer near you, and enjoy the savings. Cheers!


Leafly’s 2019 Guide to 4/20 Pickup Deals

If you’re looking to celebrate with a splurge, we’ve also pulled together some of the best online cannabis accessories deals out there, from glass to dab tools to deluxe vaporizers.

Edibles Are Great—at the Right Amount

If you’re new to edibles, the best advice is to start low and go slow. Don’t rush to gobble down that brownie, no matter how delicious. This handy chart is a great resource for avoiding an unpleasant experience. Read the full story for more advice on how to find the right edible for you.

(Elysse Feigenblatt/Leafly)

How to Be a True Pal to Your Too-High Friend

Whether someone’s new to cannabis or just couldn’t resist another infused chocolate, it’s certainly possible to cross the line from high into too high. There’s no shame in that. But if you or a friend aren’t enjoying your 4/20 experience, that’s a problem. We’re here to help.

(Gillian Levine for Leafly)

Looking for more tips and tricks? Head over to the full article.


How to Help a Friend Who Got Too High

Spliff: A Film Festival ‘For Stoners, by Stoners’

SEATTLE — The first-annual Spliff Film Fest, an amateur film festival “for stoners, by stoners,” has kicked off at select locations in Washington, Oregon, California, and New Mexico. Organized by the same people behind Hump Fest, which features amateur erotica and locally produced pornography, Spliff’s entries—which can be no longer than four minutes and 20 seconds—salute marijuana’s myriad effects.

Stocking Up? Order Online for 4/20 and Save Some Cash

“We’ve been toying with other ideas for film festivals, and we came up with the pot idea because we’re all just a bunch of potheads,” said Robert Crocker, Spliff’s executive producer. “We wanted to keep it in the same format as Hump—they have to be short films, and we asked filmmakers to give us something that [shows] us what pot meant to them or what do they like to do when they’re stoned.”

More than 250 entries ultimately streamed in, each with its own take on the meaning of cannabis. There’s a comical, mid-90s-esque PSA called “N.O.P.E.”; a psychedelic film called “Corporate Coitus”; and a piece that explores the dire consequences of the munchies: “Munchie Massacre.” Crocker’s favorites included a film called “Candy Sandwich,” about two stoners making a sweet treat, and another dubbed “Good Game Bud,” about two guys on a couch trying to pass an entire joint without ashing it.

“The submissions were really, really good,” Crocker said. “We learned that people are much more comfortable with pot. Just from that response and the quality, we feel really good about how it all came out.”

Alexa Peters


A Guide to Photographing Cannabis Flower

Is Cross-Border Cannabis Commerce Coming?

“Welcome to my annual call celebrating 4/20 eve,” began one of Congress’s most effective legalization advocates during a press call on Friday. “I want to begin by observing how much we have to celebrate in the course of this last year.”

In an informal and wide-ranging conversation with reporters, Blumenauer, a founding member of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus and the architect of what he’s called a “Blueprint to Legalize Marijuana,” discussed victories both in Congress and at the state level over the past year. He also struck an optimistic tone for the future, predicting progress on high-priority fronts including banking reform, access for veterans, and interstate cannabis trade. He even teased the idea of a North American cannabis compact, a sort of trade deal that could eventually allow international cannabis commerce among the United States, Canada, and Mexico, which is also considering legalization.


There’s a Mess of Legalization Bills in Congress. Here’s What Really Matters

“I’m bringing some people together to talk this through, about how to do it,” Blumenauer explained when asked for details. “It’s something that needs to be unpacked. We’re kind of busy right now in a variety of areas, but it’s something I plan on exploring.” He also expressed support for state-level efforts, such as Oregon’s, to pursue interstate cannabis trade.

Blumenauer credited growing public support for cannabis reform with changing the Congressional landscape, pointing out, for example, the exit of staunch prohibitionist Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX). “One of the reasons he is an ex-member of Congress,” Blumenauer said, “is because of his unrelenting opposition.”

“Just today there was an announcement of a CBS poll that showed support at the highest level ever, 65%,” he noted, as well as majority support among both Republicans and people over 65. “It’s a remarkable development in recent years where it has steadily, steadily increased.”

This year, he said at the end of the call, “there’s a lot to celebrate with 4/20.”

Ben Adlin


Opinion: There’s a Better Way to Tax Legal Cannabis

I Scream for Ice Cream, but Expungement Is Better

This week Ben & Jerry’s announced a partnership with Caliva, the California cannabis retailer and delivery service, to raise money to clear old marijuana records—a process called expungement.

All Californians 21 and older with valid ID who place orders with Caliva on Friday and Saturday get a free pint of Ben & Jerry’s Half-Baked with their cannabis order. On Saturday, 4.2% of all Caliva revenue on delivery orders—and in-store orders in San Jose—benefit Code for America’s “Clear My Record” program. Justice never tasted so sweet.

Read the full article here.


Expungement Efforts Surge on 4/20 With Ben & Jerry’s, Code for America

‘You’re Welcome,’ Say America’s Cannabis Farmers

You think you’ve had a busy month? Don’t even. Early April is holiday season for cannabis farmers and processors. They’ve got to package and ship tons of product out to retail stores before the crowds descend during 4/20 week. And that means long hours, especially for small business owners.

Here’s a slice of life courtesy of Danielle Rosellison, owner of Trail Blazin’ Cannabis in Bellingham, WA. Ah, the glamour!

Bruce Barcott

Cops Are Looking for Stoned Drivers. Don’t Be One

End this happy holiday in bed, not jail. Find yourself a designated driver or take advantage of the many 4/20 deals offered by rideshare companies.

Here’s the news you can use: Law enforcement agencies all over the country are mounting DUI emphasis patrols on 4/20, because 4/20 isn’t exactly a secret anymore. We’ve seen announcements from cops in Bellevue and Spokane, WA; Lawrence, KS; and statewide across Missouri. Those are just the places that got news hits. Police in most legal states will be paying extra attention to the roads on Saturday.


Taking Drugged Driving Seriously: What Does the Science Say?

In Washington, the State Patrol will be deploying its updated mobile impaired driving unit (MIDU) in the Bellevue area, east of Seattle. The MIDU is a 36-foot motorhome retrofitted to function as a mobile DUI processing center. Drug recognition experts (DRE) will be on board for evaluations. The MIDU will also be staffed with phlebotomists for legal blood draws.

Check in your area to see if local companies might be offering special deals on Uber or Lyft rides. Oregrown, based in Bend, OR, is offering $10 off your Lyft or Uber ride to or from the store’s annual 4/20 event. Lyft is offering a $4.20 discount for rides anywhere in Colorado on 4/20, and the same deal applies statewide in Massachusetts. The rideshare company also has sweet deals in Detroit, Las Vegas, Ottawa, Seattle, and Toronto. Check out Lyft’s 420 Ride page for all the special deals.

—Bruce Barcott

Hey, look at that! You made it all the way to the end of our 4/20 liveblog. Treat yourself.

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