The legal cannabis industry has seen tremendous growth over the past few years, and it continues to improve each day. And with legality comes maturity—today’s world of weed is a far cry from that of yesteryear: there have been exponential improvements to the way we view cannabis, purchase cannabis, and live a cannabis lifestyle.

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Legalization has brought maturity, innovation, professionalism, and credibility to cannabis. Below, delve into five ways the industry has grown up.

Packaging That Appeals to Adults

Part of being taken seriously as a brand means paying attention to packaging, logos, and product design. With the cannabis industry belonging to adults 21 and over, it makes sense that brands within the industry would want to appeal to those looking for reputable products. At the end of the day, a package with a unique logo and sleek design says “credible” more than one that has a lackluster or juvenile look.

Companies have always strived to have their logos and brands be household names, and the cannabis industry is no different. Legal states can find professional products carving out their space in dispensaries with recognizable and well-designed looks aimed to make consumers feel confident in choosing their product.


Best Cannabis Flower Packaging

Dispensaries Care About Interior Design

Stepping into a dispensary should feel like stepping into a professional establishment, not a shabby parlor or dealer’s den. Business owners want to be taken seriously, so they are putting in the effort by hiring interior designers and local artists to create beautiful and welcoming spaces for their clients. The result is well-established dispensaries, beautiful enough to catch the eye, and functional enough to cater to high-volumes of new and repeat customers.


The 10 Most Beautiful Cannabis Dispensaries in America

Cannabinoids Have More Validity Than Indica/Sativa

Back in the day, one of the few ways to judge a strain was to ask, “indica or sativa?” We’ve come a long way since then. While indica/sativa labels can be a mildly helpful way to determine how a strain will affect you, it is ultimately a flawed classification that doesn’t compare to exact cannabinoid percentages and ratios.

It’s one thing to know that Blue Dream is a hybrid, it’s another to know your strain of Blue Dream has 24% THC, 0.2% CBD, and 0.01% THCV. Today, as the science has deepened, people can find these specifics in dispensaries across the nation. Approaching cannabis—medical or recreational—with scientific knowledge and understanding, vastly improves consumer’s experience and lends validity to the industry, which we can all benefit from.


Indica vs. Sativa: What’s the Difference Between Cannabis Types?

Sexy Nurses Are Out, Legitimate Cannabis Doctors Are In

Scantily clad “nurses” in weed-themed apparel were not an uncommon sight in magazines and events just a few years ago and phasing out this old icon is certainly a sign of the industry taking itself more seriously. Instead of fake nurses, the cannabis industry has medical marijuana MDs at the forefront in interviews, events, and in doctor offices near you.

In addition, promoters advertising events, or editors picking their cover photos, are more often choosing to forego cheap gimmicks and instead put the spotlight on everyone’s favorite flower and all her lovely trichomes—which is exactly where the attention should be.


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It’s Time to Shine for Organic and Healthy Edibles

The world of edibles has come a long way from cookies, brownies, and gummies. Sure, these products still exist and are available at any time to soothe a sweet tooth, but with maturity comes knowing when to opt for candy and when to choose something healthy. After all, for many, edibles are medication.

Many brands are now choosing healthier ingredients, and it’s even possible to find options for those who prefer organic, gluten-free, or vegan eats. There will always be room in our hearts for the classic pot brownie, but having healthier options goes to show how the industry is growing to cater to a wide range of people and dietary needs.


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What other ways have you seen the industry mature? Let us know in the comments.

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