Will Ontario cannabis consumers be refused service for “fumbling with things,” delayed reactions, “inappropriate sweating” and “inappropriate speech volume?”

All of the above could be considered signs of intoxication according to Andrew Murie, chief executive at Mothers Against Drunk Driving Canada (MADD) which, in partnership with Lift & Co., developed Cannsell, the government-mandated training program for employees of the province’s incoming private cannabis stores.


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“As theyre putting their card in, and they have to put their pin number in, they’ll fumble with that,” Murie explained in an interview with the Financial Post. “Speech is a real big thing—it goes high, it goes low…. There’s a delayed reaction when you ask them a question. They’re kind of looking off to the side.”

While Murie clarified to the newspaper that “clerks are only advised to refuse service after noticing a combination of signs, not just one,” the comments have prompted a collective “WTF?” on Twitter.

Following the interview, industry insiders and cannabis consumers alike are questioning the Cannsell curriculum endorsed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).

The four-hour training course launches on Feb. 25 and will be required for all cannabis store employees in advance of the provinces April 1 launch date for private retail stores.

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