New York is launching a new effort to fight synthetic cannabinoids.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on April 12, 2019, announced a multi-agency initiative that includes public awareness campaigns and greater resources for law enforcement agencies. The effort would include additional drug-sniffing dogs that will search for the illicit substance in state correctional facilities.

Officials said the strategy also includes clinical guidance for mental health professionals and emergency room staff who treat users of synthetic cannabinoids.

Also known as synthetic marijuana or K2, the lab-made chemicals are intended to mimic the effects of marijuana but can have far more dangerous side effects.

The state has outlawed several different chemical formulations of the drug, but Cuomo said more must be done to discourage use and hold dealers accountable.

Featured image: New York plans to beef up law enforcement resources and launch a public awareness blitz to counter the spread of synthetic cannabinoids, lab-made chemicals created to mimic the intoxicating effects of marijuana but are far more dangerous to use. (Photo by Sean Davis via Flickr)

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