It’s typically news any time Beyoncé does an interview, and while the biggest news from her most recent sit down with Bazaar is that she has new music brewing, our interest was piqued with a section about her venture into creating a hemp farm.

“During quarantine, I went from overindulgences to creating positive rituals drawing from past generations and putting my own spin on things. I discovered CBD on my last tour, and I’ve experienced its benefits for soreness and inflammation. It helped with my restless nights and the agitation that comes from not being able to fall asleep. I found healing properties in honey that benefit me and my children. And now I’m building a hemp and a honey farm. I’ve even got hives on my roof! And I’m so happy that my daughters will have the example of those rituals from me. One of my most satisfying moments as a mom is when I found Blue one day soaking in the bath with her eyes closed, using blends I created and taking time for herself to decompress and be at peace. I have so much to share…and there’s more to come soon!”

The Beyoncé Dynasty continues to grow. She turns 40 next month.

Read the full interview at Bazaar.

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