Efforts to legalize marijuana in Hawaii came to a halt on Tuesday as Rep. Kyle Yamashita, chair of the House Finance Committee, announced that the panel would not hear SB 3335, effectively quashing the bill before a legislative deadline.

The decision deals a blow to advocates of cannabis legalization in the state, especially after the bill had made significant progress, passing the full Senate and several House committees before stumbling in an initial House floor vote.

Rep. Yamashita attributed the decision to the contentious nature of the issue and concerns regarding the bill’s implementation. He cited the prevailing “no” votes from committee members and highlighted serious reservations expressed by members of Hawaii’s law enforcement.

Democratic House Speaker Scott Saiki echoed these concerns, emphasizing the need for further consideration of the bill’s potential impact on youth, the economy, and overall well-being.

The setback comes despite significant support for legalization within Hawaii’s legislature and among the public. The bill, sponsored by Rep. David Tarnas, aimed to allow adults aged 21 and older to possess limited amounts of marijuana and cannabis concentrates. However, opposition from law enforcement agencies, as well as some lawmakers, ultimately proved insurmountable.

Nikos Leverenz of the Drug Policy Forum of Hawai’i lamented the bill’s demise, criticizing what he described as fear-mongering tactics deployed by opponents. He highlighted the support from Governor Josh Green, two-thirds of the state senate, and a majority of Hawaii residents, suggesting that the failure to pass the bill disregarded the will of the people.

Rep. Tarnas remains determined to pursue cannabis legalization, pledging to work on a revised bill for the next legislative session. He emphasized the need to address concerns raised during debates, including assertions that legalization could lead to increased youth cannabis use and a rise in cannabis-related car accidents.

Despite the setback, advocacy groups like the Marijuana Policy Project remain committed to advancing cannabis reform in Hawaii. Karen O’Keefe, the group’s director of state policies, criticized the legislature’s decision, warning of the continued repercussions of prohibition on Hawai’i residents.

The shelving of SB 3335 reflects the ongoing debate surrounding marijuana legalization in Hawaii, highlighting the complexities and diverging perspectives on this contentious issue. As stakeholders regroup for future legislative sessions, the fate of cannabis reform in the Aloha State remains uncertain.

Read the whole article here.

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