Views: 2

Considering the federal government has spent the past several decades focused solely on the negative aspect of marijuana, it doesn’t come as too much of a surprise that citizens of the country would rather go to a different source to get their info about cannabis.

A new survey put some numbers to this sentiment, with “government agencies” being the lowest in the ranking of trustable sources for cannabis-related information at 4.7%.

Surprisingly, budtenders also had extremely low results, at 8.6%. They were just below health and medical care providers (9.3%).

So who came out on top? The most trusted sources of info were friends and family at 35.6% followed by “websites” at 33.7%. Looks like alternative, less corroborative-heavy sources have won out in this field.

There’s a problem with this pendulum swing. It’s much easier for unverified information to spread through friends and family and websites, and instead of setting the standard of information, medical personnel ends up spending lots of time correcting the narrative. But this is a much larger problem beyond just cannabis.

All in all it’s a super fascinating survey, check it out here.

Views: 731