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The most famous elf in ‘Santa Clause’ almost died from developing an illness from smoking too much marijuana, he told Page Six.
Apparently, Krumholtz developed CHS, which is cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. “It’s rare, [but] it’s becoming more and more prevalent yearly — like, numbers are doubling every year.”
CHS is a disease that occurs to heavy smokers, typically daily users. Those with the illness deal with stomach pain and vomiting. Spurts randomly occur, but the main antidote is to stop smoking.
Krumholtz has a guess as to why it occurs. “Essentially, they messed up weed. They made it too strong, and they don’t know why it’s happening. There’s a lot of theories.”
“…you can blow out the [cannabinoid receptors in your brain], like blowing out an engine, making it that every time you smoke pot — not every time, but if you smoke it enough — you get wildly, dangerously nauseous.”
It’s hard to say if the number of CHS patients is increasing nationwide, but considering most doctors are sure that heavy and high potency smoking could trigger it, the risk does seem to be higher now that higher THC products are more and more prevalent. As long as you stay away from the higher potent stuff, you should be fine.
“I would love to see every legal cannabis store be required to have a pamphlet. An optional pamphlet that says, ‘Hey, if you start feeling nauseous, stop because there is nothing that works except stopping.’”
Read the original article at PageSix.