Exciting news! This November, ballot measures in 15 counties and two cities will allow voters to weigh in on marijuana policies in Wisconsin. The results could serve as a springboard for reform. The non-binding, advisory questions vary by jurisdiction — with some concerning medical cannabis and some focusing on legalizing marijuana for adults’ use. Find the confirmed list of questions by jurisdiction here.

Voters will consider ballot measures in the cities of Racine and Waukesha, as well as the following counties: Brown, Clark, Dane, Eau Claire, Forest, Kenosha, La Crosse, Langlade, Marathon, Marquette, Milwaukee, Portage, Racine, Rock, and Sauk.

If you are not already registered to vote, you can register here. For more information on registration deadlines, visit this page.

If you’re a Wisconsin resident, please spread the word, and voice your support Tuesday, November 6!

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