Amazon is almost constantly in the news for something, typically in a form of criticism. But with Bezos up in space, maybe there’s some room for Amazon to change its ways.

In June, it was announced that Amazon would no longer require employees to pass drug tests for marijuana, and that they would lobby for the MORE act to pass the house.

This is an easy thing to say, but we’re finally seeing them act on their promise. Services LLC was just registered to lobby for a bunch of issues, and one of them is “marijuana reform, including the MORE Act of 2021 (H.R. 3617).”

It’s unfortunate that they didn’t reference the Senate bill, CAOA, as that’s where most of the attention has been placed in the last month. But, it’s a good step forward, and with one of the largest companies in the world behind marijuana legalization, the potential reality in the next few years just got a boost.

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