In 1996, a rider was introduced that prohibits federal funds for “any activity that promotes the legalization of any drug or other substance in Schedule I.”

That rider has remained intact, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is trying to strike it via an amendment added to a larger spending bill.

Specifically, the amendment would allow “United States researchers to study and examine the potential impacts of several schedule I drugs, such as MDMA, psilocybin, and or ibogaine, that have been shown to be effective in treating critical diseases.”

So, it’s targeted towards research, and opening the flood gates so that we can finally understand all of the promising correlations between psychedelics and a reduction in depression.

AOC has already tried to introduce this amendment in 2019, where it was shut down with a large majority, including many Democrats in the House.

The reintroducing of the amendment shows how quickly public opinion is changing on the topic, with California now in the process of decriminalizing some drugs and Oregon already taking the step after the public voted in its favor in November.

Read the full story at Marijuana Moment.

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