A quick search for #weedporn on Instagram will turn up nearly seven million images of superb specimens of bud, close-ups of crystallized nugs, and carefully crafted joints, though it seems that Canadians are (quite literally) looking for a different kind of “weed porn” in the days following nationwide legalization.

Pornhub is reporting that searches for cannabis-related terms were 206% higher than average on Legalization Day in Canada.


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“We suspect many Canadians were also higher than average that day,” reads the release published to Pornhub Insights this week.

pornhub insightsThough scientific research is still sparse, anecdotal experience increasingly supports the reputation of cannabis as an aphrodisiac and possibly accounts for the spike in search traffic.

According to the Canadian pornography website, searches that included terms such as  “420”, “smoking weed”, “weed sex”, “horny weed”, “girls smoking weed”, “ganja girls”, and “smoking weed blowjob” topped the charts on October 17.


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Data from the day also shows that Canadian millennials, aged 18 to 34, are 68% more likely to search for cannabis-related terms compared to those aged 35 and older. Meanwhile, the nation ranks fourth in the world when it comes to searching cannabis-related terms on the site–just behind Kenya, Switzerland and South Africa, but ahead of our American neighbours to the South.

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