Saturday, March 8, 2025

Medical Marijuana

Texas: Request To Establish An Interim Committee To Study The Feasibility Of Medical Cannabis

Subject: Your Letter: I am writing to encourage you to support recently introduced legislation, HCR 149, requesting the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House of Representatives to create a joint interim committee to study the feasibility of...

Federal: Legislation Pending To Halt Forfeiture Actions Against Marijuana Facilities

Update: HR 331 was referred to committee. Legislation is pending before Congress, HR 331, to halt the federal government from taking civil forfeiture action against properties involved in state-sanctioned, medical marijuana-related conduct. If approved, it would “amend the Controlled Substances Act...

Delaware: Legislation To Add PTSD To Medical Marijuana Signed By Governor

Update: The Governor signed SB 24 on July 12.  Update: On June 30 Senate Bill 24 passed and was sent to Governor for action. Update: On June 22 Senate Bill 24 was reported out of Committee (Health & Human Development) in...

Federal: Bill Introduced To End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

Subject: Your Letter: As your constituent, I'm writing to urge you to support and possibly co-sponsor The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act, HR 1227. This Act excludes marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act, thus leaving states the authority to...

New York: Senate Legislation Pending To Expand Patients’ Access to Medical Cannabis

Update: The 2017 legislative session came to a close with lawmakers taking no further action on SB 6092 and SB 6308. Update: On May 11 both bills were referred to the Health Committee. A pair of bills are pending in the...

Rhode Island: Bill Establishing a Marijuana Legalization Study Committee Awaits Governor’s Signature

Update: Lawmakers have approved legislation establishing a 19-member special legislative commission to assess marijuana legalization and make recommendations. The purpose of the commission is "to conduct a comprehensive review and make recommendations regarding marijuana and the effects of its...

Tell Your Congressional Representative: Join the Cannabis Caucus

Update: Indicating to reporters that a federal crackdown is forthcoming, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said "I'm definitely not a fan of expanded use of marijuana," he said. "States they can pass the laws they choose. I would just say it does...

Federal: Bipartisan Leaders Reintroduce the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act

Update: HR 2528 was referred to committee on June 18th. Update: On May 18, Representatives Mike Coffman (R-CO) and Diana DeGette (D-CO) introduced HR 2528, The Respect States and Citizens’ Rights Act of 2017 which would clarify Congressional intent on the...

Federal: Bill Introduced To End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

Subject: Your Letter: In light of recent comments by the Administration, I’m writing as your constituent to urge you to support and possibly co-sponsor The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act, HR 1227. This Act excludes marijuana from the Controlled...

Federal: Protect Lawful Medical Marijuana Programs

Update #2: The House Appropriations Committee released its 2018 Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations bill, which determines the funding levels for numerous federal agencies, including the Department of Justice. Predictably, the bill does not include language — known as...
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Trump Open to hearing arguments for legal marijuana

Views: 7 At an event for conservative lobbyists and activists, a proponent for legal marijuana says he had a...
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