Update: The Governor signed SB 24 on July 12.
Update: On June 30 Senate Bill 24 passed and was sent to Governor for action.
Update: On June 22 Senate Bill 24 was reported out of Committee (Health & Human Development) in House with 1 Favorable, 7 On Its Merits.
Update: On June 1 Senate Bill 24 was referred to the House Health & Human Development Committee.
Update: An amended version of SB 24 passed the Senate on May 18 and now heads to the House for consideration. Unfortunately, the bill no longer contains language to add anxiety as a qualifying condition.
Senate Bill 24 has been introduced by Senate Majority Leader Margaret Rose Henry to expand the list of qualifying conditions to medical marijuana to include anxiety as well as make it easier for those suffering from PTSD to obtain their medicine.
Enter your information below to send a pre-written letter to your state officials in support of SB 24.