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Some recent court documents were released that make an argument for the DEA, the department that was supposed to be arguing for a rescheduling of marijuana from Schedule I to III, being against the move from the start.

On February 17th, a group of doctors who were not allowed into rescheduling process, created a court filing that went into detail all of the rigged crooks and crannies along the way, in particular with the selection of doctors to speak during the hearings.

The doctors went through 1700 pages of documents released by the DEA to find their selection process that was kept secret during the time. In October of last year, 25 participants were chosen out of a total of 163, and no basis on this decision was given. Even more questionable at the time was officials from New York and Colorado were rejected.

They also found that 12 letters for more information were sent out, and at least 9 of those who received these letters were people who were strongly against rescheduling.

It became clear that, through the selection of participants in the hearings, the DEA was looking for an anti-rescheduling crowd to fill out their bench and skew the outlook against the directive they were given. And while the hearings never happened due to other ways in which the DEA sabotaged the process, it doesn’t look likely that much would have changed should the process have gone forward.

Read the full investigation at MJBizDaily.

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