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MUSCATINE, Iowa– A dog in Muscatine has only one trick, but he’s pretty darn convincing. Hudson the Husky has a story that would make anyone stop and stare.

The dog is frequently worrying customers at Rick’s Automotive.  Why? The place he chooses to nap.

“My wife and I, we’re dog people. So I thought oh, what’s going on with that dog?” asks a concerned customer.

Concern turns to panic. As the pile of fur lies there lifeless, people passing think Hudson is dead.

“I had second thoughts like well, maybe I better make sure he’s okay.”

But maybe the customer isn’t always right.

“I went back out there. He had his head up. He’s okay.”

We don’t need the coroner. Dog dad and mechanic Dustin Trimble can confirm it.

“He’s not dead. He’s just sleeping. He likes the sun,” says Trimble.

That comes as a sigh of relief for customers.

“He’s alive and well, and he just likes to sunbathe without a swimming suit,” says Hudson lover Kay Wilson.

Hudson is a two-year-old Siberian Husky. The only thing he loves more than the customers is the sun.

“He’s usually laying here, out there, or he’s out back by the fence,” says Trimble.

Everyday Dustin’s here, he’s here.

“He might have a little bit of a following, I guess,” says Trimble.

And here come the questions.

“No, I don’t think he’s dead,” says Wilson.

He’s just Hudson, the laziest billboard in town.

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