Consistently trailing in polls and seeing that his tough on crime approach isn’t helping him, Dr. Oz found himself agreeing with Biden and Fetterman on the recent marijuana pardons.

In an interview with NBC News, Oz says Biden’s order to pardon over 6,000 federally convicted prisoners for marijuana possession a “rational move”.

“Going to jail for marijuana is not a wise move for the country. I think folks who have used marijuana and that’s the only reason they’re in jail should not have those criminal — those rulings — held against them.”

One of Dr. Oz’s big strategies coming into the election is to attack Fetterman on his lack of toughness on crime. Any agreement on his end muddies his argument, but it seems Oz is making a strategic pivot here, realizing the popularity of marijuana reform is stronger than his tough crime rhetoric.

Beyond this point, he also agrees with the elimination of mandatory minimum sentences.

“I really think judges should be empowered to make the difficult decisions, and they generally do it well. When we tie their hands by making laws at the federal level, it hinders their ability to do what needs to be done,” said Oz.

The race in Pennsylvania will be close, with most recent polls showing Fetterman still having the edge, but Dr. Oz reaching into the margin of error, 46% to 42.3%.

Watch the interview at NBC News.

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