Update: SB 105 failed to pass the Rules committee and will not be heard for further consideration.
Update: The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Monday, February 27, to move forward with SB 105.
Legislation is pending in the Senate, SB 105, to reduce minor marijuana possession offenses.
The bill reduces penalties for the possession of up to one-half ounce of marijuana from a maximum penalty of up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine to no more than a $300 fine.
“SB 105 fits squarely with Georgia’s criminal justice reform efforts,” the sponsor stated in a press release. “Georgia has made great strides, but there is still much room to improve in the way that we treat drug offenses. This bill does not impair public safety, but will save many Georgians from having their lives destroyed from a felony conviction. It is my sincere hope that SB 105 can receive bipartisan support and will become law in Georgia.”
Please use the pre-written letter below to urge your lawmakers to support this common sense sentencing reform effort.
Additional information on state reform efforts is available from Peachtree NORML here.
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