A GOP senate candidate is running on “Pot for Potholes”. This campaign is focused on marijuana-funded infrastructure change in his home state of Missouri. C.W. Gardner has worked to stand out from many other opponents looking to take the Senate seat in Missouri by launching a recent spot advertisement. In this advertisement, Gardner focuses on “fixin’ things,” such as the infrastructure within his state as well as the cannabis laws in Missouri.

“When I get to Washington, D.C., I plan on introducing my ‘pot for potholes’ legislation… Legalize marijuana at the federal level and take a portion of the tax money collected to bankroll research and development for pothole eradication.” Gardner states within his advertisement. He can be seen within the video walking around in a bright colored vest and hard hat, fixing potholes in the road. “I want to couple that with launching a National Pothole Task Force… Scientists, engineers, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, and federally funded research universities all working toward a common goal: eradicating potholes from this great country.”

In most states in the Midwest, road infrastructure is a big deal. Many roads face the same problems, potholes, cracks, and pure degradation. Gardner is one of many candidates running for this seat, will his campaign to legalize marijuana and fix the roads be enough to rise above the rest?

Read the unedited article here.

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