How to Get Your Card This Month

Oklahoma is issuing medical marijuana cards at a rate of 10,000 per month, in part because of the state’s efficient online application process.

Compared to many other states, obtaining a medical cannabis card in Oklahoma is a quick and simple process. But it is a process. You can’t get one overnight. Follow these steps to make it happen.

Step One: Find a Doctor

Find a doctor who will consult with you about medical cannabis.

Any state-licensed physician is eligible to recommend medical marijuana, but experience has shown that some family physicians are reluctant to talk about medical cannabis, let alone recommend it for a patient. Don’t panic. This is common.

There are many doctors in Oklahoma who are open to a conversation about medical cannabis. Leafly maintains a list of cannabis-focused clinics. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority also posts a list of physicians who are familiar and comfortable with medical cannabis.

Doctors aren’t required to register with the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority prior to signing a physician’s recommendation form for a patient, but registration will help expedite a patient’s application.

Some dispensaries hold special MMJ clinic days, with medical professionals on site to consult with potential patients. Some others have referral programs where they’ll send a patients to a doctor familiar with medical cannabis, and then reimburse the patient for any cost associated during their first visit. Check Leafly’s dispensary listings to find the access points near you.


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Step Two: See the Doctor

See the doctor. At the appointment, bring a blank copy of the OMMA’s Physician Recommendation Form.

Most medical cannabis states require patients to qualify for access by virtue of having one of a strictly proscribed list of medical conditions. Oklahoma does not. There is no list of state-approved qualifying conditions in Oklahoma. A physician may recommend medical cannabis for any condition they believe will be improved through the administration of medical marijuana.

Note: This process is available only to patients 18 or older. The online patient application form must be completed within 30 days of the physician’s signature on the Recommendation Form.


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Step Three: Apply Online

Go to the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) website to submit your application online. You’ll need to enter:

  • Patient’s full name
  • Proof of identity
  • Address, and proof of residency
  • Date of Birth
  • Phone
  • Email address
  • Physician contact information
  • Clear, color, full-face digital photograph (like a passport photo)


What Is a Medical Marijuana Card?

Documentation needed:

  • Proof of Oklahoma residency (digital, color copy of one of the following):
    • Oklahoma driver’s license (front and back)
    • Oklahoma identification card (front and back)
    • Oklahoma voter identification card
    • A utility bill for the calendar month preceding the date of application, excluding cellular telephone and internet bills
    • A residential property deed to property in the State of Oklahoma
    • A current rental agreement for residential property located in the State of Oklahoma
  • Proof of identity (digital, color copy of one of the following):
    • Oklahoma driver’s license (front and back)
    • Oklahoma identification card (front and back)
    • S. passport or other photo identification issued by the U.S government
    • Tribal identification card approved for identification purposes by the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety:
      • United States Bureau of Indian Affairs identification card or a Oklahoma tribal photo identification cards: Muscogee (Creek) Nation of Oklahoma, Kiowa, Comanche, Apache of Oklahoma, Absentee Shawnee, Cheyenne-Arapaho, Choctaw, Delaware, Caddo Nation of Oklahoma issued on or after January 8, 2008.
    • A clear, color, full-face digital photograph
    • Adult Patient Physician Recommendation Form dated within 30 days of application submission
      • Please note: The “Certifying Board” field on this form must be filled out in its entirety or the application will be rejected. Please ensure the physician fills this out using the full, complete name of his or her certifying board (e.g., “American Board of Family Medicine” instead of “Family Medicine”).
    • If applicable, the patient’s Medicaid (SoonerCare) or Medicare insurance card or enrollment documentation

Vape cartridges, infused gummies, and pain creams at Nirvana Cannabis Dispensary on East 11th St. in Tulsa. (Courtesy Nirvana Cannabis)

Step Four: Pay the Fee

The standard application fee is $100, though if you have proof of Medicaid (SoonerCare) or Medicare enrollment, the state reduces that cost to $20.

Step Five: Wait 

If you’re qualified, the state says your card will be mailed within 14 days. The card is valid for two years, unless it’s revoked by the OMMA.

Step Six: Visit a Dispensary

Visit a dispensary. Your OMMA medical marijuana card will allow you access to any of the state’s more than 1,100 dispensaries. Use the Leafly Dispensary Finder to locate the one nearest you.

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