LAWRENCE, KS (KCTV) — A bust in Lawrence sheds light on the spread of vaping to get high. Police seized thousands of vaping cartridges containing THC, the chemical in marijuana that causes the high.

“Well, anytime you can take illegal substances off the street, it’s a good thing,” Caption William Cory, Lawrence Police Department, said.

Over the weekend, a big find for the Lawrence Police Department came in small packages, thousands of small colored packages that were vape pen cartridges filled with THC.

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An officer pulled over a vehicle to find all of the cartridges.

Those 3,000 cartridges are so small, it can fit in the palm of your hand and it can get into schools almost undetected.

30 minutes east from the Lawrence Police Department, administrators in the Blue Valley School District are working to slow the spread to THC in schools.

“That was a significant amount of cartridges. But also, not surprising. Not surprising in the fact that it is becoming so popular,” David Stubblefield, Blue Valley School District, said.

David Stubblefield just left Blue Valley North High School. He’s seen the issues with THC and vape pens in schools for himself.

“Sometimes we didn’t know what was in the cartridges or in the pods. Sometimes it was nicotine. Sometimes we did confiscate levels of THC in those pods,” Stubblefield said.

The district changed its policy this past spring. If a student is caught with THC, there is a five-day suspension.

Back in Lawrence, police have not said if the person with those cartridges has been charged.

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