Today, dozens of advocates from across the state of Delaware came together at Legislative Hall to support HB110, a bill that seeks to legalize and regulate the sale of cannabis for adult-use in the First State.
The House Revenue and Finance Committee was the first hurdle that HB110 needed to pass. Greatly outnumbering the opposition, Delawareans in favor of legalization stepped up and flooded the House chambers. There were so many people there in support of HB110 that legislators ran out of time to hear further testimony.
Despite the Reefer Madness propaganda from the “Prohibition Now, Prohibition Forever” crowd, their positions were swiftly disproved by eloquent, well-researched, and emotional testimony by advocates in support of the bill. After a particularly moving testimony from a member of Delaware’s NORML chapter, committee chair Rep. Viola called for a vote. The measure passed out of committee with a vote of 8-3.
HB110 now goes to the House floor. Should the bill successfully pass a floor vote in the House, it will be sent to the Senate’s relevant committee and then to the Senate floor for a total of two more votes. With a little less than four weeks left in this year’s legislative session, the pressure is on lawmakers to make history in the First State.
Are you a Delaware resident? Please click here to send an urgent message to your state lawmakers in support of adult-use cannabis legalization in your state!