Major League Baseball just got a new sponsor, and it might surprise you who they’ve partnered with. The new sponsor is Charlotte’s Web, a major CBD company who promotes and sells their product as a pain and stress reliever.

This new partnership between the organization and the company will be another large step towards cannabis de-stigmatization, lessening the divide between cannabis products and the general population.

The CBD gummies and topical sprays will now contain a logo of the MLB, expressing the support from the MLB. The MLB says that many of their players are using Charlotte’s Web’s products because of the potential benefits CBD has. This includes better sleep, better recovery after workouts, reduced stress levels, and reduced pain from injuries. On their website, Charlotte’s Web proudly proclaims they are the “Official CBD of Major League Baseball”.

The approval of an official cbd of the MLB was a long and tedious process that has been worked on since early 2018. Both the MLB and Charlotte’s Web have acknowledged that they are happy to finally come through with a successful deal.

It is also important to note that although the FDA is yet to certify CBD products, they are extremely popular, with over $4.7 billion total sales in 2021. Many are expecting the FDA to approve CBD within the next few years.

Read the whole article from CNBC here.

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