Here’s some ingenuity in the weed industry. Despite, or perhaps due to, working on the illicit side of things.

A local Detroit news station reports that a man’s house was raided after getting a tip that he was selling weed out of a vending machine outside the home. The vending machine itself looks very sophisticated and convenient for buyers, and the success of the machine shows in his profits, claiming he made $2,000 a day on this system.

Something so prosperous in the black market was doomed to eventually fall, and when he was raided by police who went off a tip, they found 18 guns in the house, some stolen. You don’t hear many stories like these anymore in the world of marijuana.

Vending machines have started to pop up in dispensaries hoping to make the process of buying weed simple and fast, but we haven’t seen any out in the open like this one. Brings to mind old images of cigarette vending machines found in public places waaay back in the day.

Read the full story over at WXYZ Detroit.

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