Marijuana legalization in Missouri took effect this week ushering a new era for the drug within the state’s borders. Missouri voters passed legislation in November to approve a constitutional amendment to legalize the recreational use of marijuana for adults. This amendment sought to end prohibition on the drug and allow individuals to legally possess 3 ounces or less of cannabis flower.

According to the Department of Health and Senior Services in Missouri, legal cannabis sales will not occur for quite some time. Significant amounts of regulations and paperwork must be worked on for dispensaries and other cannabis shops to open. Nevertheless, because of the due diligence of voters, those 21 and older within the state are now allowed to carry and smoke marijuana.

Medical cannabis dispensaries in the state are allowed to apply to “convert” their licenses to recreational licenses starting this Thursday. Once regulations are filed, the process of converting these licenses will ensue. This all comes from Lisa Cox, spokeswoman for DHSS in Missouri.

Missouri has more than 200,000 medical marijuana patients within their borders. After Thursday, those medical patients along with recreational users will be able to buy and possess more marijuana than before the voting in November.

Read the whole article from StlToday here.

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