Update: Senate Bill 949 became law absent the Governor’s signature on May 27. 

Update: The Senate has passed enrolled SB 949 which means the bill was adopted with the House amendments. SB 949 has now been sent to the governor for approval.

Update: The Senate refuses to concur with the House amendments, so the Senate is requesting that the House recedes on the amendments for SB 949.

Update: A hearing for SB 949 was held in the House on 3/29 at 1:00 PM.

Update: HB 379 has passed the House of Delegates on March 20 and will now be reconciled with SB 949.  

Update: The Senate passed SB 949 on March 15 and it now will be considered by the House.

House and Senate legislation is pending to allow those with past criminal marijuana convictions to have those records expunged.
House Bill 379 / Senate Bill 949 permit those who received a criminal marijuana possession conviction prior to October 1, 2014, to seek expungement of their records.
Maryland law was amended on that date so that the possession of up to ten grams of cannabis is no longer a criminal offense. 
Please use the pre-written letter below to urge your elected officials to support this common sense legislation.
Further information regarding pending marijuana law reform legislation is available from Maryland NORML.
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