The Department of Cannabis Control is the newest government agency to hit the streets in California. Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law recently in the hopes to simplify and consolidate the rules and regulations regarding marijuana in the state of California. When this law was signed, a new department was formed with the intent to make the production and distribution of marijuana simpler.

According to the Sacramento Bee, this new department will take up the responsibilities of the Bureau of Cannabis control, CalCannabis and the Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch. This new department is expected to significantly help the marijuana sector in California by reducing application processing times and reducing the stress related to communication times.

Although this new department is a fundamental change to the system, many things will stay the same. Those who have permits to produce and distribute will not have to re-apply.  Existing permits and licenses transfer seamlessly to the new department. If you are a researcher no need to worry, grants also transfer to the new department.

This new department in California is a great step in the right direction. With the recent wildfires and illegal farming operations in the California desert, California needed some positive news.

Read the whole article here. 

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