In an update to the recent article about the Spanish marijuana farm bust, there have been new details released. According to multiple people around the issue as well as other news outlets in the area, the drug bust was actually more of a hemp bust than a marijuana bust.

Francisco Gomez Carbo, the administrator of a company called E-canna farming SL told multiple newspapers that the plants seized by Spanish authorities were not illegal drugs, but instead hemp to be sold for therapeutic use. These hemp plants were supposed to be turned into cbd and other non-thc related products for use across Europe. Although Spain is treating the plants as if they were rich in thc, many are calling for the charges to be dropped due to the lack of thc in them.

The problem at hand is that the Spanish public prosecutor specializing in narcotics considers, “any marijuana plant to be a drug, independently of the THC it contains.” Gomez said that although the plants will test positive for thc, they would not get the user high, since this is the way hemp is.

Some other issues have come to light as well such as the way the Spanish police forced themselves into the building and other methods to bust the business. Gomez was concerned for the safety of his workers after hearing of the incident. Since the Spanish police knew that there were only a few female workers within, he didn’t believe it necessary to break down the doors and come in with guns at the ready.

More updates on this situation to come as the story develops.

Read the unedited article from TheOlivePress here.

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