HARTFORD, CT (WFSB) — Hartford police were called to Bulkeley High School on Tuesday for another report of marijuana-laced brownies.

The report was made on Tuesday afternoon before 3 p.m.

Hartford Public School officials said that two female students from the high school were on their way home when they ate a brownie

They girls said they aren’t sure where they got the brownie from, but said they didn’t feel food. 

An ambulance was called and the girls were brought to Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. They are being questioned by Hartford Police. 

The incident happened off school grounds. 

The students left early with permission. 

School officials said this incident is unrelated to Monday’s incident, but they are continuing to investigate. 

“I feel like drugs is a bad thing in Hartford. Whoever is doing it needs to stop,” said Malik Rodriguez, a student. 

This is the second time this week that edible narcotics have come up at the school.

A student was rushed to the hospital on Monday morning after ingesting what police called an “edible narcotic.”

Hartford student taken to hospital after ingesting ‘edible narcotic’ at school

The student’s mother said it was a marijuana-laced brownie that her daughter was given by another student.

“She was throwing up, she was sick. She kept saying her body hurt,” said Jabrell Perry, girl’s mother. 

The student who brought the edible to school said he got it from “a corner store.”

He has been suspended.

Stay with Channel 3 as more information becomes available.

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