Legislation is pending in the House, HB 1877, The Medical Marijuana Act of 2017.
Passage of the Act would regulate state-licensed dispensaries to provide up to two and one-half ounces of marijuana to qualifying patients.
Separate provisions protect the rights of patients from civil sanctions, stating: “An employer shall not discriminate against an individual in hiring, termination or any term or condition of employment, or otherwise penalize an individual, based upon the past or present status of the individual as a qualifying patient or designated caregiver; A person otherwise entitled to custody of, or visitation or parenting time with, a minor shall not be denied custody, visitation or parenting time solely for conduct allowed under this act.”
Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have enacted statewide provisions allowing patients access to cannabis therapy. Oklahoma patients deserve these same protections.
Please use the pre-written letter below to urge lawmakers to move forward with this important legislation.
For additional information on statewide reform efforts, please follow Oklahoma NORML director Norma Sapp on Facebook here.
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