Update: The Oregon Register Guard reports that lawmakers will not take further action on SB 301 this legislative session, stating that the measure lacked support to pass a Senate floor vote. “Key backer Sen. Floyd Prozanski, a Eugene Democrat, acknowledged … the demise of Senate Bill 301 in the face of virulent business opposition and skepticism among some other Senate Democrats,” the paper reported.

Update: Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 301 with amendments on April 18 by a 3-2 vote.

Update: Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee debated SB 301 on Tuesday, February 21.

Legislation is pending before the Senate, SB 301, to prohibit employers from discriminating against adults who legally consume marijuana during non-work hours.

Senate Bill 301 states, “It is an unlawful employment practice for any employer to require, as a  condition of employment, that any employee or prospective employee refrain from using a substance that is lawful to use under the laws of this state during nonworking hours.”

Passage of this act would not prohibit employers from sanctioning employees who are under the influence at work.

Portland NORML‘s Legislative Committee, in conjunction with the Oregon Chapter of the Employment Lawyers of America, worked on the drafting and filing of this important legislation. 

Changes in the legal status of marijuana has not been associated with any adverse changes in workplace safety. In fact, a pair of studies from 2016 find that legalization is associated with greater workforce participation and with fewer workplace absences

Those who consume alcohol or prescription drugs legally and responsibly while off the job do not suffer sanctions from their employers unless their work performance is adversely affected. Employers should treat Oregonians who consume cannabis legally while away from the workplace in a similar manner.

Please use the pre-written letter below to urge your elected officials to end workplace discrimination against marijuana consumers. 

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