When the police of Mathura in India were asked to provide about 850 pounds of marijuana as evidence for a case in the Uttar Pradesh state, they came back empty handed and blamed it on the rats.

“There’s a rat menace in almost all police stations. Hence, necessary arrangements need to be made to safeguard the cannabis that’s been confiscated,” read the documents from the court.

However, this story that seems only to call to mind extremely high rats meandering in the sewers of Mathura is a little more eyebrow-raising than its surface implies. The superintendent at the police station went on to tell CNN that is was actually rains and flooding that damaged the cannabis.

As Yahoo reports, rats have been used in the past as an excuse for missing marijuana. In Argentina, four years ago, eight police officers were terminated once it was found that they had lied about claiming a rat infestation was the cause of missing marijuana.

Could the answer to 500 kilograms of missing marijuana in India be the same? Given that two, pretty mutually exclusive solutions were thrown out to the media, it seems there’s a lot to look into here.

Read the original article at CNN.

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