Looking for a legal, licensed, and open non-medical cannabis store on Oct. 17, Canada’s Legalization Day? We’re here to help.

We’ve got the latest info on open stores listed below, but for links to all stores near you, go directly to the Leafly Store Finder. It’ll map the nearest stores and connect you with today’s menu with just a tap.

Look for as many as four cannabis stores to be open in Manitoba on Oct. 17.

For a full FAQ about cannabis buying and consumption rules, see our guide: Legal Cannabis in Manitoba: What You Should Know.

The province has given the go-ahead to three cannabis operators (Delta 9 Cannabis, National Access Cannabis, and Canopy Growth’s Tokyo Smoke brand) to open a total of ten stores, and there may be more coming in 2019.

Photo of Delta 9’s first cannabis retail store in Winnipeg, with artist rendering of logos and signage. This first outlet is located in the St. Vital area of the city. (CNW Group/Delta 9 Cannabis Inc.)

As of Oct. 9, the exact location of only one store had been announced. More are expected to be revealed in the week to come.

Recreational Cannabis Stores in Manitoba

City Name Address Open on Oct 17?
Brandon Tokyo Smoke To be determined Closer to Dec. 18
Brandon Delta 9 To be determined Probably not
Thompson Delta 9 To be determined Unknown
Winnipeg Meta Cannabis Supply Co. To be determined Likely
Winnipeg Meta Cannabis Supply Co. To be determined Likely
Winnipeg Meta Cannabis Supply Co. To be determined Likely
Winnipeg Delta 9 Osborne Village neighbourhood Unknown
Winnipeg Tokyo Smoke To be determined Probably not
Winnipeg Tokyo Smoke To be determined Probably not
Winnipeg Delta 9 827 Dakota Street, St. Vital Square Unknown


Legal Cannabis in Manitoba: What You Should Know

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