Looking for open cannabis stores in Ontario on Oct. 17, Canada’s Legalization Day? We’re here to help.

The way to purchase from a government-licensed store will be through the Ontario Cannabis Store web site, www.ocs.ca. Products will be delivered directly to you.

Ontario’s privately owned brick-and-mortar stores aren’t expected to open until April 2019.

For a full FAQ about the rules about purchasing and consuming in Ontario, see our page Legal Cannabis in Ontario: What You Should Know.

We’ve included a link below to the OCS online store.

But Wait, There’s More

Beyond the online option, there are a handful of First Nations cannabis stores about 150 km east of Toronto, on the Alderville First Nation Reserve. They currently operate as medical cannabis dispensaries in a complicated legal environment that involves questions of jurisdiction and tribal sovereignty stretching back decades. Those stores along the Alderville “Green Mile” are expected to expand to recreational sales for adults 19 and older starting Oct. 17.

There are also two First Nations stores on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory near Shannonville, which operate in a similar environment.

We’ve included them all in the table below for informational purposes.

First Nations Cannabis Stores in Ontario

For full information about Ontario’s cannabis rules and regs, check out Leafly’s full Ontario Cannabis Guide.


Legal Cannabis in Ontario: What You Should Know

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