A scientific report from Washington detailing concerns about high potency marijuana was expected to come out at the end of this month, but Cannabis Observer got their hands on it before then.

Within the report, some policy suggestions are made in order to quell the snowballing prevalence of highly potent cannabis. Some of these policies include barring new customers from buying high-THC level products, tax increases and banning advertisement for anything more than 35% THC, and increasing the age requirement to 25 for high THC.

The study will strongly recommend that limits on THC be specifically defined in the early stages of legalization for the states that still haven’t legalized recreational marijuana.

Of all the policy recommendations laid out in the report, the simplest one has the potential to be the most effective in the long run: a call for more transparency and information. There’s a clear discrepancy between the available science that points to a correlation between high potency THC and heightened risks of psychotic disorders and the publics understanding of the danger.

For instance, the report found a large gap between scientific researchers/health-care providers concern about high-THC (3.8 to 4.2 out of 5) to industry representatives (1.4 out of 5) and cannabis consumers (2.8 out of 5). Whether or not each side is more off than the other, these concern levels should not be so all over the place, and the only way to do this is to inform. If that’s the one thing people get from the report, then its release will be successful.

Read the original article about the study at Bloomberg.

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