Snoop Dogg recently unveiled his newest line of cannabis edibles referred to as “Snazzle Os”. These new cannabis-infused crunchy snacks are quite like the popular Funyun snacks and come in two crazy flavors, onion, and spicy onion.

These new edibles come from a collaborated project between Snoop Dogg and TSUMo snacks. Within the fancy packaging of Snoop’s new snacks are rings of cannabis rings, which total 100mg of cannabis per package. Technically, they are 10mg per serving with a proudly stated 0mg of CBD per bag & serving.

According to TSUMo’s website, these snacks are currently available at MedMen locations within California. It is unknown as to whether they will be shipped to other legal states within the US. In an interview with The Washington Post, Snoop had this to say about his new snacks, “We had been kicking around the idea of doing edibles again and really wanted to get it right… The team at TSUMo Snacks … took the original vision and made it better than I had hoped.”

These new edibles are dosed strictly with a hybrid extract. Snoop wanted a good happy-medium between the sativa and indica, ensuring more people would want to try them. Along with wanting these snacks to be made from a hybrid Strain, Snoop also stated that he wanted them to be a salty snack instead of gummies. This worked out perfectly for TSUMo because they are predominantly in the salty snack business. In an interview with the company, one higher up had this to say about Snoop, “When we had him try our products as an investor, one of the things that he said is that he actually was more of a Funyuns guy…We’re like, all right, well, let’s make Funyuns.”

Read the original Washington Post story here.

See where to buy Snazzleos here.

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