Sunday, February 23, 2025


Senate Majority Leader Introduces Bi-Partisan Hemp Legalization Bill

United States Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), along with Oregon Democrats Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley introduced legislation today to remove low THC hemp from the federal Controlled Substances Act and amend federal regulations to better facilitate industrial hemp production, research, and commerce.

Are You Doing 4/20 Right? Here’s a List of What’s Happening

NORML chapters from around the country are combining traditional 4/20 events with a robust presence on social media that will include a call-to-action urging federal lawmakers to support HR 1227: The Ending Marijuana Prohibition Act.

Seattle To Vacate Criminal Convictions For Former Marijuana Offenders

Following in the footsteps of San Francisco, Seattle city officials announced today that they will be vacating the criminal convictions of former marijuana offenders.

On Building A Consumer Friendly Market In Nevada

For decades, Las Vegas has been a place known to play fast and loose - and this is even becoming evident in our emerging Marijuana Industry. On January 16, 2018, hundreds of citizens, business owners, and marijuana consumers met to provide public comment on the proposed set of permanent regulations issued by the Nevada Department of Taxation at a public hearing.

Maine: Marijuana Moratorium Measure Expires

Emergency legislation enacted in January 2017 to delay the implementation of several provisions of Question 1: The Marijuana Legalization Act expired today. Proposed legislation in Maine's House of Representatives to extend the moratorium until May 1, 2018 failed by a vote of 81 to 65.
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Brittney Griner Cancels Speech after strange message in Hotel

Views: 6 The Russian story revolving around marijuana continues to grow new tentacles. Brittney Griner, the WNBA player who was...
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