The Roll-Up features co-hosts Bruce Barcott, Ben Adlin, and Alyssa Yeoman in a Friday morning roundtable about the week’s top cannabis news.

Leafly Podcast

The Roll-Up #64: Hemp for Victory!

This week: Congress passes the farm bill and legalizes hemp (but maybe not CBD). Also, Altria patents the vape pen, a landlord kicks a medical marijuana patient to the curb, a Massachusetts YMCA freaks out about legal cannabis, and Alyssa offers advice about tattoos.

What’s this show? Every Friday the Roll-Up crew—Bruce Barcott, Ben Adlin, and Alyssa Yeoman—dissect the week’s top stories in cannabis with analysis, arguments, jokes, and obscure cultural references.

The Roll-Up: It’s a news and culture podcast, slightly elevated.

If you like what you hear, subscribe for free on iTunes or Stitcher.

Got feedback? Bring it: Want more? Hit us up on Twitter: @therollup.

On This Week’s Episode:

Congress Legalizes Hemp: But is CBD included too?

Altria Patents Vape Pens

Medical Marijuana Patient Kicked to Curb

Get Into Hilma af Klint: Tattoo not required.

Recent Episodes:

About Our Music:

Our weekly theme song is “Turn Me On,” from the EP of the same name by The Shivas. Check out their music on iTunes. For more about the band, see their home page,

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