Saskatoon’s first legal cannabis store opens for business, a new petition aims to eliminate single-use plastics in cannabis packaging sold in Quebec, British Columbia is hiring a cannabis photographer, and more.

We’ve rounded up this week’s top stories from across Canada.

Top Headlines From Around the Web

BCLDB Is Hiring a Cannabis Photographer

The BC Liquor Distribution Branch (BCLDB) has put out a request for proposals for photography services for non-medical cannabis. According to The Growth Op, potential image makers “must be able to navigate a fine line between being attractive, but not be seen to glamorize the product or promote its use.”

Petition Asks SQDC to Stop Using Single-Use Plastics in Cannabis Packaging

More than 800 people have signed a petition asking The Société québécoise du cannabis ( SQDC) “to take a more eco-friendly approach when distributing cannabis and cannabis-related byproducts and to stop using plastic packaging.” Montrealer Jody Aveline, who started the petition, told Global News that he suggests making the packaging out of hemp or “assigning reusable containers to regular buyers and encouraging people to bring their own containers.”

Saskatoon’s First Cannabis Store is Finally Open

“The Pot Shack became the first licensed cannabis retailer to open in Saskatoon on Nov. 27,” reports The Star Phoenix. The store is the first in the city to open despite the fact that the province has issued 51 licenses. Delays are largely due to supply shortages that have plagued the new marketplace.

To Do List

2018 Canadian Cannabis Awards

Toronto, ON— Lift & Co.’s 2018 Canadian Cannabis Awards take place in Toronto tonight. The award show recognizes top talent in the industry and announces winners in 24 cannabis-centric categories voted on by the general public.

Jokes N Tokes

VANCOUVER, BC — The cannabis-themed comedy show series lands in Vancouver on Dec. 2 for an evening featuring professional comedians and rising stars.

Higher Learning

BRANDON, MB — Tokyo Smoke hosts this one-hour educational session at its new Brandon store location on Dec. 6. The event is free to attend and is being billed as “An Introduction to Cannabis.”

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