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At an event for conservative lobbyists and activists, a proponent for legal marijuana says he had a conversation with a Trump staffer who invited him to submit a proposal detailing why Trump should legalize marijuana at the federal level.

The specialist, Howard Wooldridge of Citizens Against Prohibition, says the staffer was open to proposals from everyone in the room, but he was able to have a couple minutes to discuss directly with her.

Woolridge spoke to Marijuana Moment about the discussion. “I got a couple minutes with her, just one-on-one, and basically gave her the basics that my organization of law enforcement and citizens would like to see an end to the drug war and make it a medical issue in the macro.”

“She was very open to any and all suggestions coming to that particular meeting, because it obviously is a friendly environment for someone who’s coming from the Trump White House.”

Woolridge claimed he was going to have it ready for the White House by the end of the week, so that should be in the hands of someone in the executive branch by now.

“Basically what I’m going to bring in the proposal is the political advantages for the Trump administration to end the policy of federal prohibition.”

It’s unclear where Trump stands with marijuana these days. He has backed the “states rights” outlook in the past, and endorsed Florida legalization on the ballot (that ultimately failed) but he has been silent about the issue ever since the election.

Woolridge’s strategy is a smart one, because it is likely that Trump won’t make it a talking point unless there is a political advantage. Federal legalization is a popular stance, so the political points may eventually become enticing to the president.

Read the original article at Marijuana Moment.

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