The United States Army is looking for a new material to use for ghillie suits. According to multiple different sources, the US Army could be using hemp to create the camouflage suits meant for elite snipers.

Just last month, the army put out a request for new information on the durability and effects of hemp when used for ghillie suits. For those who don’t know, a ghillie suit is a camouflage head-to-toe suit often used by snipers to blend in with their environment. These suits come in a variety of colors and materials, often associated with stealth and recon.

Given the resources of the US Army, it is not surprising they are constantly looking to upgrade their gear. Last month, the military branch bought 400,000 yards of jute and hemp yarn to test the durability and effectiveness.

Research in the past has shown that hemp is way more effective than traditional cotton. Not only does the material absorb moisture at a rate 3x faster than cotton, but the material also kills bacteria that comes into contact within an hour. Woven hemp also is proven to dry significantly faster than cotton as well as shield up to 95% of the UV rays that hit the fabric. Each of these benefits of hemp would directly improve the quality of life for those wearing the suits. This is especially the case when military operatives must get down and dirty for extended periods of time.

You can expect to see more uses of the wonder material of hemp soon. This comes as more research is done on the material and more practical uses are implemented. The US Army has yet to comment on any contracts for this material, but some are expected to be offered within the next few years.

Read the unedited article here.

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