What Are You Smoking? is hosted by a rotating cast of Leafly’s cannabis experts—Will Hyde, Bailey Rahn, Emily Resling, and Dante Jordan. Tune in every Wednesday to hear activists, entrepreneurs, farmers, processors, and figures from from all corners of the cannabis world weigh in on the latest developments in the industry, what’s coming next, and of course, what new strains and products they’re enjoying these days.

Subscribe to What Are You Smoking? on iTunes and Stitcher.

What Are You Smoking? Episode 66: What 2019 Means  for Cannabis

Bruce and Ben from our sister podcast, The Roll-Up, join the show to talk about the biggest developments last year brought to the cannabis space, and what to watch for in 2019.

We’ll look back at what 2018 meant for cannabis around North America. We’ll explore what the “Massachusetts effect” has meant for legalization efforts in the northeastern United States, and what changes may be coming to Mexico following a decision from the nation’s highest court. We’ll also delve into why cannabis testing stands to be a big story for consumers regardless of location this year.


Leafly’s 2018 Strain of the Year

And of course we’ll share the products we’re kicking off the new year with!

If you’ve got questions for our hosts, guests you’d like to hear, or have anything else to say about the show, email us at whatareyousmoking@leafly.com.

Want to listen to previous episodes of the show? Find them here! And be sure to check out Leafly’s Podcasts page to listen to What Are You Smoking, The Roll-Up, and more Leafly podcasts coming soon.

And if you’re enjoying the show, we really appreciate you subscribing, rating, and reviewing it on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts.

Strains, Products, and Brands in This Episode:

 Lemon Meringue from Bellevue Cannabis Company

Cinex Pods for the Pax Era

Grease Monkey from Exotic Genetix

Meet Your Show Hosts

10859f1a857586f9ef11419f1635e517Will Hyde is a subject matter expert, strain specialist, and digital producer at Leafly. He spends his free time traveling and exploring creative outlets as a DJ, digital artist, and film producer.

Views: 399