The midterm election is coming up quick, and one of the more exciting aspects of elections is the typically good news that succeeds any time marijuana is on the ballot. So here’s a list of the states that will be allowing the people to decide the fate of legal marijuana and psychedelics.


Issue 4 would legalize marijuana and allow possession of up to an ounce. It would also create a 10% sales tax that would go to law enforcement, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and the state drug court program.


Question 4 would legalize marijuana and allow possession of up to 1.5 ounces and remove criminal penalties for possession up to 2.5 ounces.


Amendment 3 would legalize marijuana and allow possession of up to 3 ounces along with creating a 6% sales tax. Priority to “microbusiness” licenses would go to low-income applicants and people who have been effected by drug criminalization.

North Dakota

Measure 2 would legalize up to one ounce of marijuana possession and create a 5% sales tax.

South Dakota

This state has already voted to approve legal marijuana in 2020, but this was invalidated in court after the Governor opposed the vote. This time, Measure 27 would legalize marijuana in the state and allow possession up to an ounce.


Of course, Colorado already has legal marijuana, being the first state to take this step. This time around, Proposition 122 would legalize psychedelics in the state and create psilocybin therapy centers. No possession limit was set. Interestingly, only psilocybin and psilocyn would be administered at therapy centers, until June 2026 when regulators will be allow to decide whether or not DMT, ibogaine, and mescaline could also be included.

There are many more areas of decrminalization happening at the city level, but these are all the states that are taking sweeping action. We’re very eager to see the results.

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