by Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director May 2, 2019

Members of the House and Senate have approved versions of House Bill 364, which allows qualified patients the option to grow marijuana at home. Members of both chambers must now finalize the language in conference committee before sending the bill to Republican Gov. Chris Sununu.

The Governor has not publicly commented on the bill, but has previously spoken out against broader legalization efforts.

The measure permits registered patients (or their designated caregivers) to cultivate up to three mature plants in a private location that it not subject to public view.

An estimated 6,500 patients are authorized with the state to access medical cannabis via one of the state’s four operational dispensaries. In 2018, lawmakers passed legislation to raise the cap on the total number of dispensaries statewide.

NORML has long opined that patients ought to have the legal option grow their own cannabis as an alternative to purchasing it from licensed commercial producers.

For additional information on pending legislation, visit NORML’s ‘Take Action Center’ here.

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