Today is Election Day and early polling projects that one of the big winners will be marijuana legalization.

Voters in five states will decide on marijuana-related initiatives. Voters in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota will decide on propositions legalizing the adult-use of marijuana. South Dakota voters will also decide on a separate initiative legalizing the dispensing of medical cannabis, as will Mississippi voters.

Furthermore, there are many important legislative races at the state and federal level will be decided upon on Election Day. Who wins key Senate races will hold major implications for our prospects of advancing substantive marijuana policy reform at the federal level in the 117th Congress.

For more information on the ballot initiatives, where your candidates stand on cannabis policy, or to find where to vote, visit NORML Election Central.

After you cast your vote, please visit NORML Election Night Live Results as we report to you the results of these important races in real-time as they unfold.

And on today of all days, if you’re in a position to do so, kick in a contribution to fund NORML’s continued efforts to legalize America in 2021.

Views: 305