On Sunday, the editorial board for the state’s largest newspaper, The Arizona Republic (circulation: 130,000) urged Arizonans to vote ‘yes’ on Proposition 207. 

Calling the criminalization of cannabis in Arizona “a historic wrong,” editors opined: “The Arizona Republic recommends passage of Prop. 207 because we need to … decriminalize marijuana use and put the responsibility back on individuals to choose wisely when it comes to low-grade substances such as marijuana and alcohol. … [C]onsensus continues to grow in this state and nation that we were wrong to criminalize marijuana. The moment has come to correct the mistake.”

This endorsement comes at a crucial time in the Arizona campaign. Early in-person voting begins this Wednesday, October 7, and while the most recent statewide polling data shows Prop. 207 with an 11 percentage point lead among voters, nearly one out of five voters say that they are still undecided on the issue.

The Act permits those age 21 or older to possess up to one ounce of cannabis and directs revenue from retail cannabis sales to fund various public education and safety programs. Adults would also be able to cultivate up to six plants for non-commercial purposes in a private residence. Those with marijuana convictions would be permitted to petition the courts to have their records expunged.

Voters in Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota will also be voting on adult-use legalization initiatives on Election Day.

For more information on this and other pending initiatives, visit NORML’s Election Central page here, or visit here. To contact the Smart & Safe Arizona campaign directly, please visit here.

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