Researchers at the University of Lethbridge were trying to find ways to block Covid from finding a host in the lungs, intestines, and oral cavities, and they found some promising results by using marijuana.

400 new cannabis strains were used on 3-D tissue models in order to simulate and map out an enzyme, ACE2, that was previously linked to a Covid infection. Of the 400 strains, they found 13 that were high in CBD that reduced these receptors by 73%. That’s an astonishing effective rate.

Some of the strains were also able to “down-regulate serine protease TMPRSS2,” a protein that allows Covid to enter host cells.

The study has not yet been peer-reviewed, so this is all still subject to change. However, the results so far are very promising. Finding the best ratio between THC and CBD, the best strains, and exactly how effective marijuana blocks these enzymes from finding hosts are the next steps in this research.

Read the original story at Interesting Engineering, and the study itself here.

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