Sunday, March 9, 2025


FDA Approves Marketing Of Plant-Derived Marijuana Medicine

Regulators at the US Food and Drug Administration today granted market approval for Epidiolex, a prescription medicine containing a standardized formulation of plant-derived cannabidiol (CBD), for the explicit treatment of two rare forms of severe epilepsy: Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome.

Georgia Governor Signs Bill Expanding Low-THC Cannabis Oil Program

Yesterday, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R) signed a bill that will significantly expand the number of patients who qualify for the state’s low-THC medical cannabis oils. Beginning on July 1, HB 65 will allow patients with intractable pain and adults with PTSD to qualify for the program, which allows registered patients to possess cannabis oils … Continue reading Georgia Governor Signs Bill Expanding Low-THC Cannabis Oil Program

The post Georgia Governor Signs Bill Expanding Low-THC Cannabis Oil Program appeared first on MPP Blog.

Universities in California and Utah Receive Funding to Pursue New Medical Marijuana Research

The University of Utah Health and the University of California San Diego recently announced separate plans to begin new phases of research on medical marijuana. In Utah, the study will focus on the individual effects of cannabinoids on brain processes, while UC San Diego researchers will probe possible treatments for autism with marijuana. Both projects … Continue reading Universities in California and Utah Receive Funding to Pursue New Medical Marijuana Research

The post Universities in California and Utah Receive Funding to Pursue New Medical Marijuana Research appeared first on MPP Blog.

Ninth Circuit Court Rejects Challenge To DEA’s Classification Of Marijuana Extracts

A three judge panel for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has denied a petition filed by the Hemp Industries Association challenging the DEA’s authority to establish a new administrative drug code specifically for marijuana extracts. Petitioners say that will appeal the ruling.
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Trump Open to hearing arguments for legal marijuana

Views: 7 At an event for conservative lobbyists and activists, a proponent for legal marijuana says he had a...
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