Sunday, March 9, 2025

Medical Marijuana

California Bureau of Cannabis Control accepting public comments on proposed rules

Members of the public are invited to provide comments on California’s proposed rules for cannabis businesses. The Bureau of Cannabis Control and other agencies seek public comments as they consider a permanent set of rules — replacing those temporarily in place. For background, including the text of the proposed rules, summaries, and the agencies’ reasoning … Continue reading California Bureau of Cannabis Control accepting public comments on proposed rules

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Colorado Lawmakers Explore Solutions for Opioid Epidemic

Colorado’s Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Study Committee was established to explore what other states are doing to address substance use disorders, explore harm reduction, treatment, and recovery option, and of course identify possible legislative solutions.

UPDATE: Oklahoma Board of Health Revokes Previous Undemocratic Meddling with Medical Marijuana

The Oklahoma Board of Health reversed course this week and revoked their previous set of proposed rules that went against the intent of SQ 788, which voters approved in the June special election.

Study: Patients Report Herbal Cannabis Provides Insomnia Relief

The use of herbal cannabis is associated with reductions in self-perceived insomnia severity, according to data published in the online, open-access journal Medicines. Authors concluded, "The widespread apparent use of cannabis as a sleep aid underscores the importance of further medical research regarding its risk-benefit profile and the effectiveness of cannabis as a substitute for other substances."

Kentucky: Cannabis Activists Schedule Educational Forum in Henderson

Cannabis law reform groups organize educational forum to highlight the benefits of medical cannabis. A wide-range of experts are expected to provide information and speak on the topic. RSVP today!

Minnesota patients with autism and sleep apnea now qualify for medical cannabis

Last November, the Minnesota Department of Health approved adding autism spectrum disorders and obstructive sleep apnea as qualifying conditions for the state’s medical cannabis program. Under state law, the additions take effect the following summer. Starting on July 1, 2018, patients with a doctor’s certification and either of those conditions could begin registering for the … Continue reading Minnesota patients with autism and sleep apnea now qualify for medical cannabis

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Hawaii governor considering medical cannabis/opioid bill

Earlier this year, the Hawaii Legislature overwhelmingly approved SB 2407, which would allow opioid and substance use disorders, and their symptoms, to be treated with medical cannabis if a physician recommends it. But last week, Gov. David Ige announced he intends to veto this compassionate bill. Medical cannabis can ease the devastating symptoms of opiate … Continue reading Hawaii governor considering medical cannabis/opioid bill

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Compassion wins: Oklahoma legalizes medical marijuana!

Mark another victory down for 2018. Oklahoma just became the 30th state to approve medical marijuana, as voters approved SQ 788 57% to 43%! Despite an advertising blitz from opponents in the final days before the election, the Yes on 788 team emerged victorious. Thanks the campaign’s efforts — and the voters of Oklahoma — … Continue reading Compassion wins: Oklahoma legalizes medical marijuana!

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FDA Approves Marketing Of Plant-Derived Marijuana Medicine

Regulators at the US Food and Drug Administration today granted market approval for Epidiolex, a prescription medicine containing a standardized formulation of plant-derived cannabidiol (CBD), for the explicit treatment of two rare forms of severe epilepsy: Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome.

NY Health Dept. will expand medical program; looks favorably toward adult use

The Health Commissioner of New York, Howard Zucker, recently announced that a long-awaited study by the Cuomo administration will recommend the legalization and regulation of marijuana for adult use. The study is believed to be at least partly in response to gubernatorial primary candidate Cynthia Nixon’s strong support of marijuana legalization. Mr. Zucker also announced … Continue reading NY Health Dept. will expand medical program; looks favorably toward adult use

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